Deer Park

Hair Restoration is Good for Your Health

Hair Restoration is Good for Your Health

Hair Restoration

Your hair is your crown of glory. But it can also be a source of frustration and embarrassment, especially if you’re balding or losing your hair, but it’s not the result of a medical condition.

Fortunately, there’s an answer to this problem, and it’s one that can have many positive effects on your health. That answer is hair restoration surgery.

Dr. Robin Unger has helped many people restore their natural hairline and improve their appearance. Dr. Unger uses state-of-the-art methods to restore hairs lost due to injury or disease, bringing back a normal appearance while also providing benefits beyond cosmetic improvements — such as reduced stress levels, better sleep patterns, and increased self-confidence.

What is Hair Restoration?

Hair restoration is a cosmetic procedure performed on individuals who have suffered an injury that has left them with thinning or damaged hair. It can also be used as a preventative measure against future hair loss.

A successful hair restoration procedure involves a series of steps and procedures that are performed by a highly skilled physician who specializes in hair restoration. Here are some of the main areas where Dr. Unger’s expertise can provide you with relief:

The medical field is evolving all the time, but in the end what really matters is whether your treatment will leave you with better results than those you had before. Your physician must be up-to-date on the latest advancements in technology, which is why it’s important to choose one that has also kept abreast of advances in hair restoration and its related sciences.

Who Hair Loss Affects

Hair loss affects millions of men and women in the United States alone. As we age, and our hair follicles stop producing hair, it is imperative to start considering hair loss prevention methods that can help you maintain your normal appearance.

If you’ve ever experienced thinning hair, you know how uncomfortable it can make you feel. The loss of hair can also make you lose confidence, affecting your mental well-being. If you’re looking for a way to maintain your hair, consider reconstructive surgery.

Dr. Robin Unger is highly trained and experienced in performing both standard and advanced procedures for hair restoration.

Why Choose Hair Restoration

Hair restoration has become a more popular procedure as more people have fallen in love with shorter hairstyles and the latest trends. Many people are opting for hair transplants instead of hair extensions, which are often filled with cheap synthetic materials.

Some of the benefits of the procedure include:

  • There’s no scarring, so it can be used by both men and women.
  • It’s completely reversible, so you can always go back to your natural color if you decide that you don’t like it anymore.
  • Hair restoration is an effective remedy to baldness, since it replaces missing hair with natural looking human-hair grafts.

Hair restoration is an incredibly innovative and complex procedure that involves many steps and procedures. Your hair restoration doctor will first assess your skin texture and look at your face shape before deciding on whether or not you’re a good candidate for hair transplantation. You should also take into account your age, family history of baldness, weight loss due to illness or other factors that may affect the success rate of a successful operation.